2025 Team CanadaCongratulations to all of the 2025 Team Canada athletes. Check out the Team Canada page for all of the announcement information and event details!
2025 National ChampionshipsThe 2025 Rope Skipping Canada National Championships will be held in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on May 16-19, 2025 at The University of Saskatchewan. More information will be shared on the National Championships page it becomes available.
National CampAre you or your club interested in having or helping with a Rope Skipping Canada camp at the 2025 National Championships?
We want to hear from you click here! Activation EventRope Skipping Canada, in conjunction with the RSC Athlete Council, is looking to host rope skipping demonstrations in the Saskatoon, SK area to engage the community prior to the 2025 National Championships. We are looking for 6-8 athletes to represent Rope Skipping Canada at these events.
This is open to athletes of any age and across all of Canada. Preference will be given to Alberta athletes due to the location. Some expenses will be covered as a per-participant honorarium. Click here if you are interested in participating. RSC ChallengeClick here to see the winning entries. If you have any feedback on the 2024 RSC Fall Challenge or ideas for future challenges please fill out this form.
2024-2025 Registration is now OPEN!Click on the membership page to register for the 2024-2025 competition season! Please note that the Full Membership (coaches, officials, board members, volunteers and competitive athletes) registration fee is $25. Recreational memberships are $5 and temporary memberships are $1 respectively. Club/PSO Memberships are $350.
Event CalendarClick through the calendar to see upcoming events across Canada
Insurance CertificatesYour practice facility may require that they be named on an RSC insurance certificate. To request a certificate, please complete the RSC Insurance Certificate Request form. Please include the facility name and full mailing addresses for all facilities to be listed on the certificate. Please note that insurance certificates are only valid for clubs and individuals in good standing, who have registered as members and paid their fees in full. Insurance certificates are only necessary if your facility requires one.
RSC Insurance Certificate Request Form NOTE: RSC requires a 14 day (10 business day) processing time for all insurance certificates. Insurance Certificates will only be provided to clubs that are In Good Standing with RSC. Clubs wishing to have their club name appear on the Insurance Certificate must be incorporated and must register as a member club with RSC. For more information on how to register as a club with RSC visit the Membership page. |
Waiver/Release FormsProvincial Associations must keep signed waivers on file for all members. To download the 2024-2025 RSC Waiver/Release Form visit the Membership section of the website.
RSC Athlete CouncilRope Skipping Canada's Athlete Council is looking for your input. Email [email protected] with your ideas to improve engagement and participation across Canada!
International Jump Rope UnionTo stay up to date with changes occurring at IJRU visit their website: ijru.sport
IJRU Judging Manual IJRU Competition Manual All RSC judges must complete the IJRU judge training modules. Click here for more information. IJRU Timing Tracks are now available. Click here for the timing tracks. For events offered by RSC but not IJRU, RSC will continue to use the RSC timing tracks which can be found here. |
About UsMission
Rope Skipping Canada supports and promotes Rope Skipping as a wellness activity, a recreational pursuit and a competitive sport in Canada. Vision Rope Skipping is a wellness activity that promotes a healthy, active lifestyle and a positive attitude towards physical activity. Rope Skipping develops life skills, enhances communities and promotes and maintains healthy, independent lifestyles and enhances quality of life. Rope Skipping promotes positive self-image, self-respect, creativity, leadership and discipline. Rope Skipping is recognized nationally and internationally and is included in mainstream multi-sport competition. Values Rope Skipping Canada values Excellence, Integrity, Collaboration and Diversity. We believe in EXCELLENCE by supporting athletes, coaches and community in promoting wellness and personal achievement at all levels. We believe in INTEGRITY through fairness, equity, accountability and respect for athletes, coaches and community at all levels. We believe that COLLABORATION with athletes, coaches and community is essential to continuously evolve and ensure the goals of our programs are met. We believe in the strength of DIVERSITY and everyone’s right to participate in an environment that respects all individuals and is free of harassment and discrimination. About Rope SkippingRope Skipping (British English), or Jump rope (American English), is a creative and fun physical activity enjoyed by children and adults alike. One or more participants jump over a rope swung so that it passes under their feet and over their heads. This may consist of one participant turning and jumping the rope on their own (Single Rope), or three or more participants taking turns jumping and turning a variety of ropes (Long Rope, Double Dutch and Partner Skipping).
Rope Skipping Canada supports all forms of rope skipping. From recreational programs to high-performance competitive teams, we are here to offer world-leading program support to all of our members. |
MembershipFull Membership: $25.00 CAD per year. Anyone may be a full member. Competitive athletes, coaches, volunteers and officials must be full members. Full Memberships run from September 1st to August 31st of each year and carry full voting rights.
Recreational Membership: $5.00 CAD per year. Recreational memberships are only open to those members registering as recreation athletes. Recreational Memberships run from September 1st to August 31st of each year and carry limited voting rights, as defined in the RSC bylaws. Club Memberships: Cost will be determined on a yearly basis by the Board of Directors based on the cost of insurance. Club Memberships run from September 1st to August 31st of each year and are open to only incorporated clubs. Club Memberships carry full voting rights, as defined by the RSC bylaws. Provincial Sport Organization Memberships: Cost will be determined on a yearly basis by the Board of Directors based on the cost of insurance. PSO Memberships run from September 1st to August 31st of each year. PSO Memberships carry limited voting rights, as defined by the RSC bylaws. Questions?
Local & Provincial Inquiries:
Jump Rope BC [email protected] Rope Skipping Alberta [email protected] Ontario Rope Skipping Organization [email protected] Double Corde Montreal (Quebec) [email protected] Rope Skipping Association of Nova Scotia [email protected] All other inquiries: [email protected] |
Thank you for visiting
www.RopeSkippingCanada.com |
Questions or comments? Email us! |